Mission of BPM Lab : Towards Business & Operational Excellence #
Business Process Management (BPM) plays a critical role of bridging the divide between business and information technology. BPM aims at enhancing business performance by integrating business activities in value chain, which are generally performed with enterprise information systems, such as ERP, SCM, and CRM.
BPM Laboratory conducts research on developing and implementing business innovation techniques for operational excellence on the basis of business process modeling and analysis techniques in a variety of business area such as e-Biz (electronic business), i-Biz (internet business), and u-Biz (ubiquitous business). We envision the next generation of business process management which can embrace the future technologies, Big Data, Social Network Analysis, and the Internet of Things. The topics of BPM Laboratory can be visualized as the following word cloud:
BPM is a strategy for managing and improving the performance of business executions through continuous optimization of business processes in a closed-loop cycle of modeling, execution and measurement.
BPM Stuffs Process Mining Colored Petri-Net
Process mining techniques are able to extract knowledge from event logs commonly available in today's information systems. These techniques provide new means to discover, monitor, and improve processes in a variety of application domains (IEEE TFoPM, 2011). http://www.win.tue.nl/ieeetfpm
Business performance management is crucial in business process management. For example, BSC (balanced score card) can be used for a major tool of monitoring and assessing the business performance. Business intelligence (BI) is the technique for business performance monitoring and assessment, while business analytics (BA) is the technique for finding out the solution for continuous improvement in business process.
The Social Web (also known as Web 2.0) is a trend in web design, development and management. It can refer to a perceived second generation of web-based communities and hosted services, such as social-networking sites, wikis, and folksonomies, which aim to facilitate creativity, collaboration, and sharing between users.
The Internet of Things is expected to drive the next IT innovation in both of business service and human life. In particular, RFID and sensors will be adopted to support real-time supply chains and logistics in business environments.
Ongoing Research Projects #Artificial Intelligence for Abnormal Situation Management in Nuclear Power Plants #
Product Design Support System Using Cognitive and Emotional Databases #
Smart Factory Applications for Big Data in Manufacturing #
Reality Mining for Regional Big Data #
News of BPM Lab. (since 2013) #
2016.11.25 한국빅데이터학회 추계학술대회 최우수논문상 수상(박훈석,오규협,김영진,정재윤)
2016.6.13-18 핀란드 헬싱키 AGILE 2016에 논문 발표(오규협) 및 참석(김애경,교수님) 2016.5.27-30 일본 오사카 BESSH 2016에 논문 발표(오규협,김애경,박훈석) 및 참석(교수님) 2016.4.13-16 제주도 대한산업공학회 통합학술대회 발표(Josue, Berny) 및 참석(오규협,김애경,박훈석,윤나영,정영윤,교수님) 2016.3.2 박훈석 석사과정 신입학 및 4학기 전액장학생 선정(이공계우수장학) 2016.1.18-22 벨기에 KU Lueven 대학교 LIRIS팀이 BPM Lab을 방문하여 연구교류 진행 2015.11.13 건국대 한국EA학회 학술대회 발표 및 우수논문상 수상(허광진) 2015.11.7 연세대 대한산업공학회 추계학술대회 제11회석사논문경진대회 기타분야 최우수상 수상(문현구) 및 발표 (최서현) 2015.7.30-8.29 벨기에 KU Leuven대학교 LIRIS팀 방문 장기공동연구 수행(김애경,Josue) 2015.6.25 AP-BPM 2015 Process Mining Competition에서 Grand Award(Josue,Berny) 및 Second-Prize Award(최서현) 수상 2015.6.24 부산 Bexco에서 열린 AP-BPM 2015에 참석 및 논문 발표 (Josue, 이진성, 교수님) 2015.7.30-8.29 벨기에 KU Leuven대학교 LIRIS팀 방문 장기공동연구 수행(김애경,Josue) 2015.4.12-14 미국 헌팅턴비치 INFORMS Analytics 2015 포스터 발표(이진성,오규협,최서현) 및 참석(허광진,교수님) 2014.11.28 서울 2014 한국EA학회 발표 및 참석(오규협) 2014.11.12 수원 대한산업공학회 추계학술대회 제10회석사논문경진대회 MIS분야 최우수상 수상(Josue Obregon) 및 발표 (문현구, 이진성) 2014.10.9-14 벨기에 KU Lueven 대학교 LIRIS팀이 BPM Lab을 방문하여 연구교류 진행 2014.9.1 허광진 석사과정 입학(학석사연계과정) 2014.8.24-30 BPMLab 연구팀이 벨기에 KU Lueven 대학교 LIRIS팀을 방문하여 연구교류 진행(김애경, Josue, 교수님) 2014.3.2 최서현 석사과정 입학(예약입학) 2014.2.20 김관호 박사 인천대학교 산업경영공학과 조교수 임용 2013.12.5 서울 2013 한국EA학회 발표 및 참석(오규협) 2013.11.15 수원 대한산업공학회 추계학술대회 제9회석사논문경진대회 MIS분야 우수상 수상(마황현), 대학생 프로젝트 경진대회 장려상 수상(최서현, 허광진) 2013.8.26-30 BPM/AP-BPM 2013 in Beijing 발표(Josue,김애경,교수님). AP-BPM2013 Best Paper Award 수상. 2013.7.26-27 하계MT-영종도 을왕리해수욕장(정지환,이진성,오규협,김애경,Berny,Josue,문현구,최서현,허광진,교수님) 2013.5.31 한국전자거래학회 춘계학술대회 발표 및 우수논문상 수상(김관호,오규협) 2013.5.24-2013.5.25 여수 한국경영과학회/대한산업공학회 발표 및 참석(김애경) 2013.1.30-2013.2.1 용평 한국통신학회 발표(안윤하,최서현) 및 참석(김규리,이진성,김애경,Berny,Josue,교수님) History of BPM Lab. (before 2013) |